Newired Tips is a new product offered from our latest release, 19.0, which allows users to add a single piece of information about specific elements on a page or application. Differently from Newired Journeys, Newired Tips do not contain several steps guiding users to complete a task, but instead offer one single piece of contextual help about an object.
Newired Tips can be extremely helpful in complex applications with several functionalities, as understanding and mastering them can be challenging. With Newired Tips, you can provide short pieces of information about each element, quickly guiding users to go to the relevant sections of the application related to the tasks they need to perform and providing them with a general overview of the app/platform.
To illustrate how Tips can be deployed on an application with several functionalities, we have chosen Polarion ALM, a web-based platform which manages quality assurance and application lifecycle management, offering a unified solution to manage tasks such as:
- Requirements management
- Variant management
- Test quality management
- Issues defect management
- Change configuration management
- Resource management
- Build release management
- Audits and metrics reports
Whereas having all these functions on a single platform is undoubtedly practical and helpful, it is also true that users might become lost among the many functionalities. On this video, we have deployed some Tips on Polarion ALM. With clear and quick guidelines, users can use the platform with ease. From a Tip, users can, apart from receiving useful information about an element, see useful images, go to external pages to learn more and launch Journeys to complete a task. You can also personalize Tips to appear when users hover the mouse over the element concerned or by clicking on a question-mark icon which will appear next to a given element.