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    Articles and PDFs

    Articles and PDFs

    Reducing IT Expenditure through Measurable Digital Adoption

    Discover how companies are revolutionizing their processes through Digital Transformation and learn about the pivotal role Digital Adoption Platforms play in driving cost efficiency and operational effectiveness.


    Discover Kuka’s Journey with Newired

    “As a Process Team, we were overwhelmed with tickets seeking solutions for simple queries. It became crucial to reduce the ticket load and empower our users to help themselves. That’s how we got to Newired – a solution that allows us to prioritize developing processes and efficiently maintaining our tool despite limited resources”


    Interview Newired & Me Learning

    Read a revealing interview and find out why Newired was the “front-runner choice” for Me Learning Ltd


    Newired as easy as pie!

    We provide everything you need to know to create effective and useful guidance to your end users. From PoCs and Basic trainings to advanced insights and Journey design for you. Check out our Customer Success Services!

    ARTICLE and Checklist

    DAS/DAP Checklist

    What to consider when choosing a Digital Adoption Solution or Platform? Usability, flexible architecture, multi-language support, pricing…
    have a look at our checklist!


    Newired for Pharma Industry

    “Learn How to Improve Document Management SystemAdoption in the Pharmaceutical Sector using a Digital Adoption Platform.”


    Newired and Synertrade

    “We’re very satisfied with Newired and all the onboarding and digital adoption problems it helped us address.
    In-app guidance is the most efficient way to deliver all the help and assistance that users need when using our e-procurement platform.”


    Newired and Emerasoft

    “We have been really impressed about how fast Newired solved a pretty annoying and time consuming issue for us.
    We measured significant savings, a better quality and, least but not least, a friendlier bureaucracy for our employees.”


    On the Radar

    Newired digital accelerator speeds user adoption of web applications

    Code-free tools delivering quick usability fixes: look what Ovum says about Newired.


    Empower users now! This is our challenge

    Want to have an overview about the benefits and the features of Newired tools?
    Click on the button below and download the official fact sheet.


    Newired Journeys in a Nutshell

    Newired official product guidelines

    All you need to know to become a master Journey creator and rescue your users from the digital transformation storm.


    Download the Newired newsletter of December 2019

    We’ve had many exciting news lately.
    Let’s go through the highlights from the latest months.


    Chat on the topic of Infrastructure and Deployment of Technologies

    Newired: as easy and productive as it gets

    Antonin Pokorny, Co-founder of Newired, answers 8 key questions on Technology and its Deployment in an amazing interview.


    Digital Adoption platforms

    5 reasons why you should consider keeping your overlay data under your control

    Stefano Rizzo, CEO of Newired, speaks about the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of data storage. Which one would fit more your company’s needs?


    Save 53% of internal training costs

    Companies consider that a good training is very important to improve the quality of their products. What really matters most: how much information, transferred during the training or update, do people remember? Generally only between 2 and 3 percent. What about the rest?


    Experience & Innovation

    As a consequence of the massive spread of technology, any human activity is or needs to be supported by an application.
    Daily life is scattered with devices, supported by different applications, for this reason, keeping pace with digital transformation is extremely important.

    Webinars & Podcast


    Newired, a new Milestone in Digital Adoption

    When choosing a Digital Adoption Solution or Platform, there are many important things that we need to consider: robustness, pricing, flexibility, security, user-friendliness…to name only a few.
    Jiri Walek explains, with a nice visual presentation, why Newired is a great choice for your company, with all the above considered.


    From Room to Zoom

    At a time when we need to use digital resources more than ever, how can the user get by? Some reflections by our CE, Stefano Rizzo, at this FinTech podcast by Breaking Banks.


    Painless CRM for shorter sales cycles

    Main topics:
    – troubles that the Sales Staff may encounter with CRM usage
    – how to accelerate sales operations
    – UX management to support sales performance


    Annual training costs reduction in one step: make it possible with Newired

    Main topics:
    – how to recognize a training issue
    – continuous training and forgetting curve
    – how to increase productivity with Newired


    IBM Rational adoption webinar

    Application onboarding in the enterprise context is never easy, that’s the case of IBM Rational.
    Main topics:
    Angelo Corna, Rational Software Support and Database Administrator at IBM and Robert Palomo from Newired, will explain and show how to onboard better and faster on IBM Rational Suite.


    How to make training even more enjoyable and effective

    Main topics:
    – learn how to improve and enhance the functionality of your application
    – see how easy is NTISS software with the help of Newired Journeys
    – save huge money and boost the productivity of your employees


    Adapting employee onboarding for an on-demand world

    Main topics:
    – how a new digital adoption technology like Newired can accelerate training a new employee on how use a typical CRM system like Salesforce
    – challenges and costs of rolling out any new software application, the pitfalls of application erosion and user resistance to adoption

    Try Newired for free now