


Me.Wired is your everyday helper. Your guide in the digital world.

Getting things done online can often be a confusing, even downright frustrating experience — especially the first time you try. We can all get lost when buying from e-commerce platforms, setting up conference calls, creating or attending online lessons, and more.


Think of your grandparents, your teachers, your students – who maybe have never had to do things online before, or who now have to quickly master new web based tools and resources.
Even experienced internet users can’t possibly know how to do everything they need, on every platform out there.
That’s why we’ve created Me.Wired!


Me.Wired provides interactive guides that lead you through every step of commonly needed tasks on dozens of widely used online platforms and web sites — like Amazon, Zoom, Google Drive, and Google Hangouts, to name just a few.


To get these guides, just go to the Me.Wired page and click the button! That will download a browser extension that will deliver all the guides we’ve created for various online resources.


Then, whenever you visit a web site that Me.Wired has a guide for, you’ll see the green Me.Wired logo at the bottom left corner. Click it to see all available guides.
As you follow a guide, info about every page, data entry field, button, link, or widget will appear right there by each one. Just follow the instructions and you’re set!


By the way, if you don’t see that logo when you land on a site, feel free to drop us a message suggesting it. The Me.Wired community will be eager to create guidance for it!
Be sure to check back with us for news. We’re constantly working to add new guides, more sites, and more platforms to the list.



 a time when going digital is suddenly no longer optional for so many, and so much depends on it, Me.Wired is our contribution to making online technology usable for everyone. That’s why Me.Wired is FREE.

For instructions on how to use Me.Wired, check this tutorial video and have fun!

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