
Newired: Top Performer in Omdia’s Market Radar for Digital Adoption Solutions

Pivot to Smarter Digital Adoption with Newired's AI Today

Discover how Newired’s ethical AI transforms digital adoption. Leverage cutting-edge AI to enhance user interactions, secure data, and maintain transparency. Embrace smarter, fairer, and more reliable digital solutions today.

Newired: Top Performer in Omdia’s Market Radar for Digital Adoption Solutions


How it works?

Learn by doing. Directly in your app.

Interactive step-by-step guidance that runs in every application

Cross application journeys to support multi tools processes

No coding skills required for an easy and quick implementation

Flexible deployment to comply security requirements

DIgital Adoption Newired

Digital transformation projects made successful

Whether your goal is to introduce new products
or onboard new hires, Newired helps you
significantly reduce learning curves, speed up
trainings and boost productivity.

Increase in user-interactions within 6 months 20%

Internal training costs saved53%

Bigger traffic to knowledge basex10

Newired ROI calculator

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Analyze how Newired can help you, your team and your customers save money, time and sanity today.



Newired works on every web-based application and software, learn how you can be successful in digital adoption.

By sector

By application

By use case


Benefit for every role

With Newired onboarding and training tools for enterprises, HR trainers,
business process owners and other professionals can translate manuals,
trainings and support resources into a powerful and interactive guidance layer,
which will provide real time, in-app support.

For IT

Replace the expensive interaction with support people by adopting self-service in-app guidance.

For end users

Get work easily done with clear visual suggestions, pointing you to what you have to do directly on the screen. User engagement automation brings value to the users and to the company.

For HR

Stop losing people by forcing them to follow heavy processes they do not remember and end-less e-learning training. Keep them motivated with the tasks they have to perform.

For SW vendors

Cut your sales cycle by guiding your customers clearly through the initial evaluation of your application.

For process owners

Document the standard operating procedures in an actionable form, so your users will follow the process safely and reliably.

For digital managers

Make sure the return of investment into digital technology is not compromised by poor user adoption.
When You Make it

Shorten the distance between users and the digital word, make digital adoption works

Fill in the form to experience how to create a Newired
intelligent guidance layer on top of your web

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